If you’re ready to put your home on the market, but you’re concerned that you’ve missed the best selling season, this post is for you. While it’s true that the number of home sales is higher in the spring and summer, there are multiple reasons for that, and the fact is, especially in a place like Greenville, fall is still a great time to list your home. Here’s why:
Fall buyers are the real deal. Fall is a busy time of year for basically everyone: families getting back into the school routine, business people launching a new quarter, anyone involved with sports/athletics at any level, and so on. None of us have extra time on our hands. As a seller, that works in your favor. How? Let’s be honest: we all know that in the summer there are people who literally go look at homes for fun - with no intent to buy. Buyers who are out looking for a home in the fall (or winter) are serious. Typically, they are looking for a house for a reason - maybe a job change, a health need, a family transition - and they mean business. Listing your home in the fall means that you will likely have fewer showings and highly-motivated buyers.
Less competition. One of the reasons that there are fewer home sales in the fall is that fewer homes are on the market. Once again, as a seller, that works in your favor. It’s less advantageous for buyers, whose options are more limited, but as a seller, the serious buyers who are home-hunting don’t have the luxury of being as nickel-and-dimey as they can tend to be in other seasons.
The Greenville advantage. (Let’s just call it that.) You’re probably already well-aware of how fast Greenville is growing and changing. Well, in the fall, Greenville actually steps up its marketing game. Fall for Greenville, Artisphere, the Greek Festival, and other events continue bringing tourists and out-of-towners into the Greater Greenville area. Many of these visitors are people who have Greenville connections or have an eye on moving to the area, and some of them want to shop for homes while they’re in town. So more #reasonstoloveGreenville the whole city and culture is helping you market your house.
All that to say, if you’re thinking about selling your home, don’t let the time of year discourage you! Give us a call today to get started on the listing process. We’d love to help you and your family take the next step!
(Oh, and a bonus feature: fall house shots. Of course this is a little whimsical and tricky, but if you can time getting your pictures taken to coincide with some of the fall color change, that’s definitely a win. Just think about it.)